Mario in worlds UNKNOWN 2

Mario in worlds UNKNOWN 2
free download pc version full

 Nice platformer, 13 levels 
This Mario fan game is the sequel on the succesful Mario in Worlds Unknown.
It is a nice game platformer with 13 levels, several bonus levels and a boss level. This game also features a Single Player Mode as well as a Multi-Player Mode.
Super Mario can jump really high, but he can not kill any enemies and he can not transform to a better Mario, still the gameplay is good.
The sound and music are not bad, but it causes the game to hang sometimes. So maybe it is better playing without music.
It's a pity that there is no way to load/save a game.
Arrows = move
Space = jump
Ctrl-M = music on/off
Ctrl-S = sound on/off
Esc = exit, back to main menu
Game Size: 
 725 Kb